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 HABIT FORMATION- An art of   nurturing psychology

Reading overview- We all have read several articles about  habit formulation.. I am not the first or last one. I feel whenever you watch or read something worth implementing in your life or actual looking for something to make changes for your betterment, you do not do it right way, unless or until same things cross your eyes multiple times. It happened with me many times read and watched several and finally implemented or settle with sometimes with famous one or sometimes its least known ..

So ,its not that earlier you read or watched  were not easy to pin your brain ,its just all about the right moment how much your mind became compatible with what you read and watched several times ,then that’s the moment to switch on the lights .

 Hope it will also take you to habit formation action mode..Idea is to make the changes for betterment if its me or someone else..

Habit either will make you or break you This 5 letter word makes a huge impact on our life ,which ever part of your life it is ,if it is  good then its your future best  friend and if it is not compatible then its is going to be your biggest enemy.
Example we all know stating just to visualize .......
  • ·       If have a habit of irregular time for having meal or not taking care of body ,soon you will lose your physical health L
  • ·       If Habit of maintain consistency for  your passion  then, success is looking for your address.:)

For me habit is like game fixing with our mind time long time ago.. If you go against yours mind then controversy will begin.. Well for forming new good habits we do not need to stand direct against our bad habits and erase them because its us who have nurtured so well in our mind that stood against us as a rebel  to delay our success.

v 5  Hacks to form new habit-

I myself used this below tips for  habit formulation and honestly, its really worked well for me… Probably you will find it  time taking  but trust me its better than just to think in mind that you gonna change your habit and ‘doing nothing’.

1.    Glass jar chit technique  – I read on Internet about glass jar technique for completing sales job, but I did it for my habit formulation.. Take any of your habit, like i have taken for my daily yoga and breathing exercise.. Make a total small paper chit of 21 pieces put all the chits in one jar and label it with activity name and everyday after completion of  habit  replace the chit in empty jar at the end of 21 days you yourself will notice you become so used to that habit..As we all know habit formation process it takes minimum 21 days and 66 days ,if still little loose on consistency then please do it again with another 21 days slot..
#-Aim is to repeat the habit on daily basis with track record.

2.    First start with no fix time- First aim to start a habit is just to only focus on to maintain what you started rather than doing at  certain fix times unless and until it has any safety measures .like- Yoga which is advised to follow in empty stomach.
#-Idea is just to start rather than with full fledged start.

3.    Keep the habit note in front of your eyes-   keep your habit notes/glass jar  every possible way  to reach your eyes so that, there should not be single moment to forget or skip you new activity.
#-Focus is strongly and tightly holds what you have started.

4.    Keep the duration shorten – We are so tend to our old habits if you replace them with new one you yourself will react like bored or tired even irritated ..So start with very shorten duration and be consistent it will automatic gear up.
#-Aim is to avoid the brain drain because of long duration.

5.    Initially feed your mind to make a habit not result- It is not so easy for our brain wiring to easily settle for new changes. It  will question a lot with your new act and probably avail every possible suggestion to leave it in between ,here you need to give proper time with self talk and emphasize on create a habit than sighting a result.
#- Focus is to spoon feeding for your baby mind . 



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